How to get the mental & emotional rest you need to flourish

Typically, when we think of rest, we think of physical rest. Perhaps we gravitate toward taking a nap or zoning out in front of Netflix with a snack.

But what if the rest we seek is not the rest we need? Finding appropriate rest will help you implement sustainable practices for greater resilience. Today we’ll explore two types of rest.

Mental Rest

Do you ever find after you've arrived home from a hard day's work - perhaps you’re having a meal or connecting with your family or friends - your mind still thinks you’re at work? Your mind is racing, thinking of all the unfinished to-dos on your list and the conversations you need to have tomorrow. You’ve tried to shut off mentally, but your brain can’t settle down due to stress. You need mental rest.

How to access mental rest

Pre-pandemic, we all had rituals. We’d go to a physical workplace, and work happened only at work. At the end of the day, we’d shut off the computer, lock the door and drive home. Once we arrived home, we'd change out of our work clothes and into our home clothes. We exercised, did yard work, made dinner, or helped our kids with homework.

Today’s work environment has changed, and whether you work in an office, an onsite situation or work from home, creating an end-of-day routine can help you physically and mentally transition from work-life to home-life. 

The first thing to do is turn off notifications or park your phone in a charger behind closed doors whenever possible.

Secondly, spend a few minutes in mindfulness practice. Find a quiet place, close your eyes and focus on your breath, sinking deeply into it. Notice how you feel. Hold that feeling, sit with it and consciously experience the newfound emotion. Then, as you return to the rest of your day, come back to your breath whenever you find your mind racing and remember that wonderful feeling.

Emotional Rest

The world has become increasingly emotionally complex. Whether your leadership happens in a boardroom, a clinic, a classroom or an office,, it is essential to cultivate your emotional landscape.

Have you ever left work and intentionally chose to physically rest by taking a nap, skipping your exercise routine, or taking an hour to enjoy a book but came away feeling drained? You may need emotional rest, and no amount of physical rest can fill your emotional tank.

If you work an emotionally draining job in a helping profession - therapy, healthcare, nonprofit - your emotional reserves become depleted regularly. You may think you’re fine until your child, friend or neighbour does one little thing, and you become irritated, angry, or just want to cry. These are symptoms of emotional depletion and need attention before they turn into burnout or compassion fatigue.

How to access emotional rest

The world is filled with emotionally-charged events. Music tugs on your heartstrings, swallows you with sadness or pushes you to euphoria. Movies switch from scenes that make you laugh, cry and scream with fright, all within a short period of time. And the news, in whatever fashion you consume it, has become less journalistic and more shocking. Unfortunately, these things tax your emotional reserves, leaving little energy for your most important relationships.

Intentionally choose uplifting music, inspiring movies, healthy books, and media sources that bring life. You only have so much emotional capacity and must reserve it for your few most critical areas and then focus on refilling and reenergizing. 

Wherever you find yourself today, give yourself the gift of rest. Doing so will help you not only survive but thrive.

About the author

Bonita Eby is a Burnout Prevention Consultant, Executive Coach, and owner of Breakthrough Personal & Professional Development Inc., specializing in burnout prevention and wellness for organizations and individuals. Bonita is on a mission to end burnout. Connect with us about bringing our workshops to your organization.

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